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Beloved-Different | Pastor Josiah Elias

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

The ongoing saga of jealous Saul chasing after David continued. After Saul and the Israelites

fought the Philistines, Saul gathered three thousand elite troops to hunt David who was Saul’s son in law. From David’s responses to Saul’s crazed actions, David displayed his Beloved Identity over and over again.

The plot thickened.

“At the place where the road passes some sheepfolds,

Saul went into a cave to relieve himself. But as it happened,

David and his men were hiding farther back in that very

cave.” 1 Samuel 24:3 (NLT)

David’s men (the radical rejects) advised him to kill Saul because they felt the LORD had given David the opportunity to defend himself. “Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul’s robe.” 1 Samuel 24:4b (NIV) Others can advise us, and it is so easy to listen to their words. “But Beloved Identity’s heart was after the LORD.” David could not bring himself to murder Saul, but he did cut off a souvenir to show how vulnerable Saul was. “Beloved’s heart couldn’t help but dispense reverence. Honor is something we all have a choice to give…whether it’s deserved or not.” Saul’s maniacal behavior was inexcusable. David did not condone it, but he did honor the one the LORD chose. Just because David had an opportunity to kill Saul, did not mean that he should.

In other words, opportunity does not make it right. For example, Peter cutting off the servant’s ear at Jesus’ arrest was not right. Neither, according to the LORD’s will, was the ship going to Tarshish with Jonah in it. We need to exercise discernment when opportunity arrives. For opportunities must not determine our actions. Instead we need to pray to the LORD,”God, what decisions are you in and what ones are you not.” Leave it in God’s hands, and let Him direct you. What if David had killed Saul?

“Our actions must not be determined by opportunity of circumstance, but by the

decisions we know please the LORD.” Verses that support this point are Matthew 7:12

“Do to others whatever you would like them

to do to you. This is the essence of all that is

taught in the law and the prophets.” (NLT)

Another aspect is found in Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for

whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” (NKJV) Last week Pastor Josiah talked about

the fruits from your tree. Whether your fruit is good or bad, others learn from you and are


After David had cut Saul’s robe,

“David’s conscience began bothering him…. ‘The

LORD knows I shouldn’t have done that to my lord

the king,’ he said to his men.’ The LORD forbid that

I should do this to my lord the king….” 1 Samuel 24:5-6a (NLT)

David prevented his men from killing Saul also. David had a high degree of sensitivity. The Holy Spirit had softened his heart. For us what tempted us ten years ago should not tempt us now. Hopefully we have grown deeper in our walk with the LORD and in our spiritual maturity. Because of genetics or past experiences you may be susceptible to alcohol or drugs or….., but you do not have to choose to co-labor in sin.

We need to be progressive towards holiness. Holiness means “set apart” or “different.” Elohim means “most holy.“ David was different. “Beloved ones are different. “ 1 John 2:15 warns us,”Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you.” (NLT) If you do not love the things of this world and this culture, you will be seen as different. Praise the LORD for that difference. Additionally Romans 12:2 reminds us,

”Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed

by the renewing of your mind, that you make proved what

is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (NKJV)

We are called to be 100% different. Instead of compromising, stand firm. Instead of listening to foul language or music, turn it off or leave. David instead of killing Saul, honored him.

Some churches want to be so culturally relevant that the lines between the world and the church are blurred. Those churches are letting the world affect them instead of being an agent of influence. Are you an agent of change where the fruit of the Spirit oozes out of you?

When Saul left the cave, “David came out and shouted after him,’My lord the king!’ And

when Saul looked around, David bowed low before him.”1 Samuel 24:8 (NLT) He humbled

himself. David was bowing to this crazed man who was his king.The Beloved honored the

position of the king. The godly response was to honor the position. “One intentional move can carry more impact than one thousand unintentional ones.” In Isaiah 60:1 it states,”Arise,

shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.” (NKJV) We

are to be light in this darkened world.

How David thought of himself affected his actions. “David is oozing with honor.” How we think of ourselves affects our actions. From the place we identify, we act. “You shine by learning to live like Christ.” David showed Saul the corner of the robe that David had cut in the cave. David proved that he was not trying to harm Saul even though Saul was hunting David. 1 Samuel 23:11

For us how important is our integrity (Doing the right thing when no one is watching.)? How

important is our character? How do you act behind closed doors? It is important to inventory our motivations, attitudes and actions. Is your heart geared toward the LORD?

The paramount point is “All you do stems from who you are.” The greatest label you wear is

Beloved. Pastor Josiah said,” I am Beloved. I am a husband, a son, a father. The foundation is your identity.” Identity gives way to opportunity. David followed the way of honor.

How do you want to live? “Live different.” Be Beloved of the Father. Pastor Josiah implored,

“Father, we do not make room for you. We give you the whole room.” We are called to be

different-like Jesus. May it be so, LORD!

Written by Larry & Annette Linthicum

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