“A sound mind for the spirit of fear
A sound mind so that I can see clearly
A sound mind, Your Spirit is here
A sound mind, a sound mind”
by Melissa Helser et al
This song was part of our worship, and Greg Hendricks our guest speaker referred to it because he listens to it frequently. May we realize that though the world can confuse us, the Lord gives us a sound mind, and when we worship Him in spirit and in truth, He is here.
To Pastors Josiah and Ashley, Greg pronounced this blessing and prophecy over them,”The
Lord is pleased with you. You have a mantel of trust and have raised the standard of trust and purity. Because you are content in the Lord, He will give you more.” He encouraged us as Christ followers to talk church in the market place, in schools, wherever we go. We need to learn to be equipped in this place and then to take it out not store it. He continued that
“You will get an influx of support!” Greg sealed the prophetic word with a prayer.
Greg informed FC that he preaches in dialogue not monologue. He encouraged us to respond to a good word or one that resounds in our spirits with “amen or hallelujah or run it back.” That means repeat the last statement. Before he shared with us, Greg prayed,”Empty ourselves of ourselves; be in full surrender this morning.”
“We are in troubling times,” Greg informed us. Israel is on the brink of war; diseases are
emerging; social unrest is part of every day news. However, he gave a different perspective
about the troubling times because we have a chance to receive His message now.
An insight he shared was that the corporate meetings like the Midnight Hour, the Wednesday night teachings, and the Sunday morning times are all so important. However, the times of deepest growth are the personal times with the Lord. When you spend time with Him and His Word, you get to be with the Holy Spirit. Greg relayed a time he had a conversation with the Lord. He felt God asked him,”Son, do you know what age this is?”
Greg replied,”A.I.” “Yes, “ the Lord stated,”the Apostolic Influence Age.” When God asks you a question, He is not asking you because He does not know the answer.
He is omniscient. “Anytime God’s asking you a question it is to awaken something in you,” Greg stated.
Apostolic comes from the Greek word “apostolos” which means “a messenger, one sent on a mission.” (bible hub.com ) When the Romans conquered areas, they wanted the people to reflect Roman culture, so they sent out messengers to influence the conquered people. As apostles, we are to impact our culture so that those we encounter can learn of the Kingdom of heaven. The Lord is calling the brothers and sisters to be apostolic, to be influencers. Are you ready? Are you spending time with the Savior and His heavenly Father so that you are fueled up for the job?
In the next five months, Greg predicted that the country will experience great change. What type of people will we be-people of response or reaction? What is the difference? ”Your reaction is fashioned out of the reflex of your flesh.” In contrast, “Your response is fashioned out of your relationship with God!”
To illustrate, Greg referred us to Jesus’ last miracle which He performed in the garden before
His crucifixion in John 18:1-11. Jesus went out and asked the contingent of soldiers, Judas and some of the Jewish officials whom they seeking. When He replied,”I am he,” “they drew back and fell to the ground.” John 18:5 (NIV) A prophetic picture from this passage is that when you come against fear, anxiety, depression, or the enemy, open your mouth in the name of Jesus. Obey Him even if you do not understand. Let the anxiety, depression, fear, and the enemy fall back. They cannot stand against the Lord or His word.
“Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it out and
struck the high priests’ servant, cutting off his right ear.
(The servant’s name was Malchus.)
Then Jesus commanded Peter, ’Put your sword away!
Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?’”
John 18:10-11(NIV)
Peter reacted in the flesh with a sword. In contrast Jesus, though He knew the suffering He
would endure, insisted on fulfilling His Father’s will. Jesus was responding to God. He was the sinless Son of God and did not deserve the cross. We deserve to be crucified not the Christ.
Maybe your sword is social media or gossip or pettiness. ”Will you be cutting off ears or are you made in the image of God?”“God will be good to you as deep as you are willing to go with Him.”
How do you go deeper with Him? How do you go deeper in relationship with another person? You spend time with that person. ”A maturing follower of Jesus grows in response and matures in reaction.” May we spend time with our Lord and Savior to mature in our relationship with Him.
Greg gave us four ways to deepen our responses to the Lord:
“Express gratitude". “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV) “Gratitude is the recognition of benefits
received…that you don’t deserve.” “Gratitude creates a bridge which future blessings will be transferred over to you in your life.” Do you want to be a hot mess or hot message? If you want to be a hot message, learn to thank Him even in the hard times, the challenging experiences.
“Repentance needs to be a part of your reputation.” “Bear fruit in keeping with repentance.” Matthew 3:8 “Where your allegiance resides is where your obedience will follow.” When the Spirit convicts you of a sin, it is so important to respond to His convictions, to confess to the sin and ask for forgiveness. People are watching what you say and more importantly what you do. You do not know who is observing your life that will not read the Bible or go to church. May you be a reflection of Christ Jesus through your repentance. “The cost of discipline is always less than the price of regret.”
”Spend time in the word/prayer.” “All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for
teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16
(NIV) “Decide who you are in Christ before a storm reveals who you’re not in Him.” “Trials and tribulation often reveal what Kingdom (or King) has dominion inside of you.” “The deeper your understanding of His word, the greater your rest during the war!” “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41 (NKJV) The flesh does not want you to spend time with the Lord. My flesh encourages me to do what I want when I want to, but God calls me to spend time with Him. He has sought me. Why would I deny myself time with The One who loves me more than anyone else in my life? Ask the Lord to give you a hunger for Him and His word. Also pray His holy word over your life. Additionally, pray for your enemies or those who have hurt you. That requires supernatural strength and courage that only He can give you.
“Embrace forgiveness.” “Judge not and you will not be judged, condemn not, and you will
not be condemned, forgive and you will be forgiven.” Luke 6:37(NIV) Do I want to be
forgiven? Absolutely, then I need to forgive and seek forgiveness. Why camp in the land of
sorrow instead of camping in the land of the Lord? Lord, help me to let go of any thoughts that do not please you. Let me release any grudges, old hurts, and old betrayals. Let me embrace forgiveness of others and myself.
Ten questions to ask yourself about forgiveness:
Can you think of them without thinking of the hurt they caused you or your life? Ephesians 4:31-
Do you store in your heart of wanting revenge? Romans 12:19
Are you looking for them to fail? 1 Corinthians 10:24
Are you willing to be reconciled if they are? 2 Corinthians 5:18
Can you pray for this person or people? Luke 6:28
Are you obsessed to make them understand how you feel? Proverbs 14:29
Are you keeping score of their offenses towards you? 1 Corinthians 13:5
Are you holding your growth as a believer hostage by an apology you’re not receiving? 1Peter 3:9
Do you have the instance or moment replaying over and over in your mind or heart? Isaiah
Are you gossiping about them? Ephesians 4:29
As we ponder these questions, may we choose the ones that have hit the targets of our hearts so that we can deepen our walk and spend more time with the Lord. May this time be reflected in the marketplace so that we can be salt and light in this troubled world. For response is required!
10/7-FC Women’s Ministry-6:00-7:00-Blessings and Bites
10/9-Midweek Encounter-6:30pm
10/13-Pastor Appreciation
10/13-Prayer night-6:00pm
10/18-LB-potluck, worship, and Speakers Pastor Tim and Maria Maxwell-6:00pm
10/25-CORE Men-6:00pm
Larry and Annette