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Red Letters: Mysteries Revealed - Pastor Josiah Elias

She had a microphone and marched up to the stage. She told us that Mama Judy had told her that she was on a short leash. When anxiety or frustration would hit, she needed to remember the basics; God is good. Pastor Ashley Elias emphasized that point as she kneeled to her heavenly Papa because He is good. When we keep that fact in mind, the anxiety flees. Thank you for that good word about our good, good Father, Pastor Ashley.

Our mission is to culture like Christ, and our vision is Jesus. Last week’s sermon was about

being possessed by the right Spirit. What a wonderful gift we have when we surrender to the

Lord and let Him be the Owner, Leader, Possessor of our lives. Pastor Josiah began where he

left off last week. He reminded us that the choice topic of teaching though out the entirety of Jesus’ ministry was The Kingdom of God.

Pastor read from Matthew about how Jesus taught in parables and how the disciples questioned why He did. Jesus answered,”You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not.” Matthew 13:10 (NLT) “secrets-Greek mysterion-hidden thing, mystery, not obvious to understanding.” This answer has often bothered me. How can the Lord Jesus teach and leave some people out of understanding of the lesson? As a teacher, I wanted all my students to understand the concept I was teaching and desired that none would be left out.

Pastor Josiah’s explanation cleared up my confusion. He reminded us that the disciples had

said “yes” to Jesus. Their “yes” allowed them access to full learning. Your “yes” to

relationship with God grants you access to Kingdom mysteries waiting to be discovered.

That is so exciting and comforting.

“God conceals the revelation of his word in the hiding place of

his glory. But the honor of kings is revealed by how they thoroughly

search out the deeper meaning of all that God says.” Proverbs 25:2


Pastor’s illustration was humorous. He explained, “Church is boring.” The music is ok; the

staging is fine, but if you just come for entertainment or to check off your spiritual to do list, it is boring. However, if you come to encounter the living Lord, nothing is more exciting in the world. “I love the church. Encounter Jesus. Do not come here to be entertained. It is about His presence.”

Additionally, he said, “Every time you read His Word, you get to sit with the Author.” What a

powerful statement! Every time I open my One Year Bible, I have the privilege to sit with the

Holy Spirit, and He helps me understand the areas about which I am fuzzy. He shows me a

different perspective on a verse. He helps me apply the Word to my life in a way that I did not apply it before. He makes all things new. Revelation 21:5 I marvel at the layers of His Word.

“To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be

given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for

those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have

will be taken away from them. That is why I use these parables, For

they look, but don’t really see. They hear, but they don’t really listen

or understand.” Matthew 13:12 (NLT)

At face value you might not understand the meaning of a passage or parable, but as you dig, more will be revealed to you. The increased time you spend reading, studying, pondering His Word, the more you will understand. The more you understand, the more you can apply to your life. Then you may say more often, ”Oh, that’s what it means” or “I never thought of it that way.” He wants us to encounter Him increasingly. He wants us to learn about Him so that we can see His incredible love, devotion, and power. The Kingdom is discovered and treasured when it’s found.

Also Jesus used parables to protect you. He was hiding the revelation, for “to whom much is

given, much is required.” Luke 12:48 When you are ready for the deeper teachings, you can

dig for them. Just as a baby receives milk, then pureed food, then solid foods, so we are given the treasure in stages appropriate for our growth. Our heart posture is critical, and we need to steward well what we found and what He gives us.”For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6 ((NKJV) Wisdom is knowledge rightly applied. Everywhere we go may we be kingdom people, out reach people.

The Paramount Point is Intimate relationship with God is an access card to hidden

Kingdom mysteries reserved for the seekers. Jesus said,”But blessed are your eyes,

because they see; and your ears, because they hear.” Matthew 13:16 (NLT)

Jesus is a seeker, seeking seekers. Even though chiseling may be painful, if we become

more like Jesus and less like us, isn’t that what we want? Let the chiseling begin so that we can be more like Jesus. Therefore, in each revelation of the Kingdom, we further discover the

King! Hallelujah!

Jesus told the familiar parable about the farmer scattering seed: some fell on the footpath;

others on rocky soil; some on the thorns; and others on fertile soil. Matthew 13:1-9

Pastor gave us four possibilities for the seeds falling on different soil:

footpath-Birds came and ate them

Shallow/rocky soil-Quickly sprouting but shallow soil. Wilted and died with no deep roots

Among thorns-Choked out the tender plants

Fertile soil-Multiplied greatly

We’re responsible for the condition of the soil of our hearts. Pastor gave four out comes:

Footpath represents those who hear the Kingdom message and don’t understand it; then the evil one comes and snatches the seed planted in their hearts. Matthew 13:19—hear but don’t understand. Lord, what do you want me to do with what I now know?

1. Rocky soil represents people who hear and receive it with joy but do not have deep roots.

They fall away when troubles come. Lacking longevity. Deep roots take time and


2. Thorny soil represents those who hear God’s word, but the troubles of the world choke the

life out of the seed. Crowded minds. What do we need to eliminate from our minds,

schedules, and priorities that will help us focus on Him? You cannot fill a cup that’s already

full. Do I have thoughts that do not agree with you, Lord?

3. Fertile soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word, and they produce.

The whole premise of the Kingdom message is multiplication. May our hearts, souls,

minds, and spirits reflect His light so we can be light in this troubled world.


9/25-Midweek Encounter 6:30

9/27-Men’s Core 6-7:30

9/28-Jeremy Camp concert 7 pm

9/29-Next Gen service

10/13-Prayer night 6:00pm

10/18-LB potluck, worship and Pastors Maria and Tim Maxwell share with us 6:00 in the

Activity Center

Submitted by

Larry and Annette

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