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Red Letters: Good, Good - Pastor Josiah Elias

Pastor Josiah spoke of the wonderful things happening at Faith Chapel:

-Youth Camp changed lives. Testimony by 3 of the youth was powerful!

-VBS was a remarkable week. Thank you to all who helped and made it possible.

-Special thanks was given to the Jarrell’s for their service this and past years.

-Midnight Hour has been wonderful. A church that prays, seeks the Lord and has  passion will produce fruit, as we honor the Lord and go deeper in God’spresence. Don’t miss the next Midnight Hour!

-Bay Day at Crown Point today. Baptism, BBQ, worship, fellowship and fun!


Prayer was offered for Pastor Neil Hoffman and Foothill’s Church for blessing and favor with God and man.



Our Vision is JESUS


Last week we talked about entering by a narrow gate – Jesus ­- and walking a narrow path.

Following Jesus includes a challenge to follow the narrow lifestyle. A short video was shown of Andy, a new Christian in our church. Andy was an ex-gang member, on drugs and homeless at 15. He has been pursuing Jesus since he left that life. Andy wanted to rid himself of anything that would hold him to the past. As a sign of the old life gone and a new life beginning, he and Pastor Josiah burned his old clothes, and the church bought him new shirts. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!


In Matthew 7:15-20 it says, “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act…A good tree produces good fruit and a bad tree, bad fruit. …Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.”


Jesus wants us to be prepared. There will be false prophets. There will be ill-intended people. Don’t be alarmed. Identify the problem and remain focused on the Lord.


How you live is more important than what you say.

What you say does matter, but talk is cheap. Lives need to match what comes from your mouth. Live a life of purity, honesty, and open to scrutiny. Someone is always watching. If you have nothing to hide, there is nothing to worry about!


Luke 6:45 says, “a good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.”


People may be deceitful. Something may sound right, but the actions may not be right.

The best kinds of lies have the most amount of truth in them.  Many religions and faiths teach good truths and traits. They may preach kindness or serve the needy, but have the components carnal faith. It looks so good, but it is so deceiving.


Time is also an important factor. Anyone can be right for a short time. Pastor used the example of a dating couple rushing into marriage. Pump the brakes, don’t rush. Let time show the true nature of people before you make rash decisions.


Matthew 7:20   Yes, you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.” What’s hanging off your branches is a strong indicator of who you are.

When you hear a pastor or teacher, look at the fruit of their lives. Are they generous, walking in live, living a Christlike life, or are they just a good speaker eliciting an emotional response? Many have something good to say. They may sound good on a podcast, but it is important to discern their lifestyle.


Pastor Josiah said the FC staff was chosen in this way. He surrounded himself with people who walk with character, have heart and serve in love. They have good fruit on their branches.


1 John 4:1 also speaks of false prophets. Some may say, “trust me” or “this is a good deal.” Jossiah had a recent experience with an internet provider. The salesperson told of a new service to replace his old wi-fi at no cost. He seemed trustworthy and knowledgeable. Unfortunately, all was not as promoted. Eventually, Josiah was able to have the situation corrected, but it was a frustrating experience because the employee wasn’t truthful. Our church should be full of trustworthy people producing good fruit! Give people time and they will show you who they are.


                “A barren Christian is a contradiction. A tree is known by its fruit.”

                                Dr Robert E. Coleman

                                The Master Plan of Evangelism


Paramount Point

                Bad fruit is intolerable.

                No fruit is inexcusable.

                Good fruit is inspirational.


We will never be perfect, but we must aim at Jesus’ perfection. That is the standard. We won’t be right all of the time, but perfection is the standard! Don’t lower the standard in your attitudes, actions, relationships, and life.


You don’t grow apples by striving to grow apples. You grow apples by tending to the health of the apple tree. Take care of the source (the tree) and you will get the tree you need.


At Faith Chapel, we aim to do all we can to provide opportunity for community, model a passionate life, allow connection and provide an environment to support the type of life Christ demonstrated. As we aim to take care of our church family, the fruit will grow. If you don’t “like” the fruit you are producing, a change begins with sincere repentance before God. Repentance changes the way you think, deleting and destroying the things that pull you down. Get connected. Get in ministry. We need you, with good fruit and transformed lives.


Charles Spurgeion said, “You must judge a person by his fruits. If the fruits are not changed, the tree is not changed. Character is everything; if the character is not set right, the person

Is not saved.”


May our Faith Chapel family produce good fruit, clean and pure before Jesus. May we be trees that bare good fruit, walking with the Lord, that He will be glorified!

Submitted by Debby Jarrell

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