The screens flashed with videos of FC mothers and their children while we worshiped the LORD. What a blessing it was to see the beautiful faces of the children with their moms. Then Pastor Josiah introduced three women, Rose Nicoechea, Lucien Anselmo and Maria Maxwell. These mothers have children of different ages which reflect our church family. Pastor Josiah asked the women many thought provoking questions, and the wisdom they shared opened our hearts and minds to the LORD, to them, and to their children.
The first question was “What did your mothers teach you?” Maria explained how her mother taught her to respect her elders, and she wants her four children to practice respect to elders, to authority figures and to others. Lucien’s mom taught her how important prayer was. Lucien saw her mother praying on her knees for her family, and in the middle of the night, she would lay hands on the children while they slept. How important it is for us to pray for our children and grandchildren. The LORD prayed so often; John 17 is evidence of the the Lord Jesus praying for Himself before His arrest, trial, beatings, and crucifixion; interceding for His disciples’ protection from the evil one and sanctification; and then for the future believers (you and me) to be unified, to be with Jesus, and to make Him known. Then Rose explained how her mom, a single mom, kept the family in the forefront. Family was so important. Pastor summed up these answers as he reminded us to go after our kids for Jesus and that our ministry begins at home.
The next question was “How has motherhood deepened your relationship with God?” Maria replied that being the mother of four, young children from eight to two has shown her what love is in a different way. Her understanding of love has deepened, and when she reflects that God loves us more, she falls in love with Him more. Lucien added that motherhood has helped her understand the heavenly Father. When her boys Lucas and Aiden want to spend time with her, she is so happy. That is how the LORD feels when we want to spend time with Him. Rose added that when she was a young mother with two boys who were nineteen months apart, she was frustrated. She turned to God, and He answered, “Zebedee.” Rose was perplexed, but she learned that Zebedee’s wife brought her two sons to the LORD. She heard,”Bring your sons to me.” God is the perfect parent, and “He showed me how to be a perfect parent.”
Pastor Josiah asked Rose to elaborate on how Rose responded during very challenging times. She explained how her son Mark went home to the LORD when he was forty. Rose and Fred had to trust the LORD with their son and release him to Jesus. What an unimaginably difficult task; but they did, and Rose was able to share what trust looks like. God does not waste a hurt. Pastor reminded us that the LORD is our protector and defender. In the tough times we either turn to God or from Him. The choice is hard but clear.
The next question was “What do you do in tough times?” Maria answered that she asks the Holy Spirit to guide her like in how to discipline her kids. Rose responded,”Give me eyes to see.” Rose added that God is everywhere all the time, and she told about when the family lived on a cul de sac. The kids would gather in just the right spot so that their conversation would filter into Rose and Fred’s bedroom window. She heard their “schemes and plans.” That night as she wished their sons good night, she admonished them about their “schemes and plans” that she had heard. The boys said that the LORD must talk to their mom.
Another question dealt with what motherhood has shown or taught them. Maria explained that every day she learned another flaw. Then she had to learn to trust God with her children. When Luke her oldest went to school, she wondered if she could handle him being away from her for eight hours and trusting Luke with a stranger. Maria then related that Abraham’s obedience about Isaac was confusing and hard, but Abraham trusted God. The LORD saw Abraham’s obedience, and He provided the ram as the sacrifice. Thus, Maria has learned daily to lay the children at the LORD’s feet. Lucien related about a time when she told Lucas she was losing patience with him after which he reminded her that patience was a fruit of the Spirit. Then one time they were going to the drive in, and she told Aiden to say that he was eight. He told Lucien,”I will not lie, Mom.” From when they were young, her boys have learned about the LORD, and these two instances are evidence of the training they received. Lucien added that her boys belong to the LORD. He entrusted them to Joe and Lucien, and they need to present Lucas and Aiden to the LORD like Hannah presented Samuel to God. Finally, Rose reminded us of Psalm 127:1 which states “Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” For us, moms and and dads, that means that we need to dedicate our children daily to the LORD. We need to intercede for them in the good and bad times. We need to release the children to the LORD no matter how old or young our babies are and not take them back in desperation. Our LORD loves our children more than we do, and He is sovereign, omniscient, and omnipresent. Why do we try to take them away from Him? We are sorry, LORD! We are so human.
The final question to our wise women was ”How will you keep God first while being a mom?”
Maria replied that it was a challenge with three kids in three different schools, but she spends a lot of time in her van, and she prays there. Maria emphasized,”He sees me. He loves me. He will never leave me. He is always there.” What an assurance. Lucien responded,”I carve out time with God-to read His Word, to honor God. When I don’t, my world is chaotic.” The time with the LORD gives her strength. Rose mentioned that on Wednesday night she saw Maria getting one kid out of the van; then another got out, then another, and she wondered how many more were getting out. Rose reminded us to pray for the young moms and what they get to juggle and do. We need to intercede for the busy moms. Lucien added that she was grateful for the community of moms that help to raise her sons, and she invited those who have not connected with the community to join us to help be their support.
What a wonderful way for us to hear from those moms; Rose who has grown children and grandchildren; Lucien who has two teenage sons; and Maria who has four young children. They remind us how to lean on the LORD so we can be salt and light in this dark world.
5/15-Midweek Encounter 6:30
5/17-6:00 in the Activity Center-LB potluck, worship and music and testimony of Pastor Erick Aguilar
5/22-Midweek Encounter-Pastor Alyssa Aguilar’s parents, Clifton and Beth Phelps, as they sing and play the hymns we all know and love.
Submitted by
Larry and Annette Linthicum