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Intentional 21 Daily Devotional: Walk Like Jesus| Growing In Grace - Pastor Franklin Aytes

Scripture Focus: 2 Peter 3:14-18

"Grace is not stationary; it grows like a seed into a flourishing plant. Believers

grow in grace as they remain rooted in Christ, nourished by His Word, and

strengthened through trials." - Matthew Henry, Theologian

"Are you growing in grace? Is it just about being a better person, or is there

something deeper at work?"

In 2 Peter, the Apostle Peter writes to Gentile (non-Jewish) Christians, who are

experiencing religious persecution and dealing with false teachers. There is a huge

issue with false teachers that had begun to promote dangerous doctrines that not only

promoted immorality but also denied key essential Christian doctrines! One thing they

claimed was that there is no evidence of Christ’s return!

The apostle responds by reminding them the truth: Jesus is coming back! Isn’t that a is

a beautiful promise for us today? Jesus is coming back. He loves us and has every

intention of redeeming us out of this world. Just imagine! One day we will walk on

streets paved with gold and will forever be free from pain, sickness, and death. Glory


But the question remains: What do we do, as we expectantly wait for His coming? The

Apostle responds by reminding us to not be like the false teachers, but we are to live


How? I’m glad that you asked!

Firstly, the Apostle says to “ diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and

at peace.” (2 Peter 3:14). This statement refers to the daily dependence on the

transformative power of the Gospel. The false teachers rejected the gospel and

because of this they “...are blots and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions...” 2 Peter

2:13 ESV. The Gospel grants total freedom from control and the eternal consequence of

sin. Now, we have peace with God because we have been redeemed. Now Jesus

presents “ holy and blameless and above reproach before [God]." Colossians 1:22

ESV. Now we are without spot and blemish because of the Gospel. Glory to God.

This is a great place to remind you: Meditate on the glorious Gospel every day. Jesus

died on the cross for your sins and rose again. Because we believe this truth, we will not

perish but have eternal life with Jesus. Remembering this not only produces gratitude

for the cross, but it also combats spiritual “amnesia,” as many believers tend to “forget”

about the Gospel.

What also stands out is when Peter says that as we wait on Jesus’s return, that we are

to “...grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter

3:18 ESV).

To grow in the "knowledge of Jesus" means learning more about Him while building a

deeper relationship with Him. To “grow in grace” means to learn more about God’s

grace, while living in a way that shows God’s undeserved kindness and presence in

your life. It’s just about receiving God’s grace and letting it shape how you live each day.

Here is the connection: When you grow in “knowledge of Jesus” you have a greater

appreciation for His grace. As you “grow in grace,” you are empowered to know Him

more deeply.

My prayer is that we don’t just know more things about Jesus, but that we also grow in

the grace that He sacrificed His life for us to have.


1. Grace Saves - Ephesians 2:8-9 (ESV) “For by grace you have been saved

through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of

works, so that no one may boast.” The first thing we must do to grow in grace is

to remember that salvation is a free gift through faith in the Gospel, not

something we earn. Don’t strive to earn his God’s love and favor. It is freely

received through faith.

2. Grace Sanctifies - Titus 2:11-12 (ESV) “For the grace of God has appeared,

bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly

passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.”

Understand that the grace of God, allows you to experience the transforming

power that brings freedom from sin.

3. Grace Multiplies - 2 Corinthians 9:8 (ESV) “And God is able to make all grace

abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may

abound in every good work.” Growing in grace means that we rely on God’s

timing and resources as we do “good works” that bring glory to His name. He

provides grace to love. Grace to forgive. Grace to work miracles. His plans will

always come with His grace.

Growing in grace begins with abiding in Christ and relying fully on the Gospel. It is

through this connection that He works within us as we seek His face. However, we also

have a role to play. We must choose obedience and walk in faith, allowing Him to

transform us from the inside out. Studying God’s Word is crucial to understanding His

character and knowing sound doctrine, which protects us from deception. Above all, we

must depend on the Holy Spirit, who intercedes for us, guides us, and dwells within

every believer. The Holy Spirit is our constant companion, promising never to leave or

forsake us.

Engagement: Take a few minutes to pause and reflect on the grace of God in your life. How has His grace been evident to you recently? As you meditate on this, ask yourself: What does growing in grace look like for me in this season? Jot down any thoughts or areas where you feel God is inviting you to grow, and keep them in mind as you move through this time of reflection.

Practical Steps for Growing in Grace

1. Intentionally spend time in prayer, personal worship, and reading of scripture.

2. Practice thankfulness and reflect on God’s blessings and grace.

3. Seek relationship and accountability in a community of believers.

4. Confess sin regularly and embrace God’s forgiveness and restoration.

5. Put God’s grace in action and serve others.

Prayer: Jesus, I thank you for the gift of your grace. I know that I did not earn your favor,

but you freely gave it through Jesus Christ, and there was nothing that I could do to

receive it. I do not deserve to know you, but you pursued my heart and revealed

yourself to me. Thank you for your mercy. Please help me to grow in grace and in the

knowledge of Jesus. Teach me to be more like you every day and deepen my

relationship with you. Help me to understand your truth and your will. I want to know you

more, love you more, and walk closer with you. I love you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Pastor Franklin Aytes

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