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Grace for Everyone - Pastor Erick Aguilar

Pastor Erick continued the Red Letter series, reminding us that our mission at Faith

Chapel is to Culture Like Christ, and our vision is JESUS.

In Romans 3:21-22, it says “But now God has shown us a way to be made right with

Him without keeping the requirements of the laws, as was promised in the writings of

Moses and the prophets long ago. We are made right with God by placing our faith in

Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.”

Erick said that when he was 10, a baby sister was born. He and his older brother

decided to surprise their mom by cleaning the house. At first it was fun, but then he

considered quitting. His big brother said, “Hey, if you are tired, you can stop, but I’m

going to keep cleaning.” At 10, Erick was afraid to stop because his brother might get

the credit and attention. He took something pure and honest and made it about himself!

Whether knowingly or unknowingly, we do this a lot. Jealousy shows up. Maybe we

aren’t able to be happy for someone else who received a blessing. When talking about

the grace of God and His blessings, as imperfect people, it is difficult to put our personal

interest aside and see through the eyes of God.

In Romans 3:21-22, it says we are made right by God by placing our faith in Jesus

Christ –no matter who we are. This is God’s desire for His people. Our battle is to live it

out, allow that message to infuse into our DNA and allow ourselves to see as God sees.

Our nature says: You get what you deserve. Work hard and you get good things.

Do bad things and bad happens to you. But God works differently.

Psalm 103:10-12 “He does not punish us for all our sins. He doesn’t deal harshly with

us as we deserve….He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the


God doesn’t think like us.

Grace is when God gives us what we don’t deserve, and mercy is when God doesn’t

give us what we do deserve.

Replace your way of thinking with His.

Romans 12:2 “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of the world, but let God transform

you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s

will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

Breaking out of our humanity and mindset is crucial to fully live what God intends for us.

God’s grace does not make sense according to our logic. We could have a healthy

relationship with Jesus, yet not breakthrough to see our role with others, to be happy for

those around us, seeing them through the eyes of God. Be genuinely thankful when

others are blessed. Consider what God is doing for them.

A study was conducted by the University of Chicago. The objective of the study was to

see how much self-interest influences decisions. Regions of the brain are dedicated to

self-interests. Those regions are activated before the interests of others. They found

that a decision to be self-serving takes only 200 milliseconds. It takes 600 milliseconds

to decide to give or share with others. It takes 3 times as long for a mind to decide to be

generous as it does to be self-serving.

We often compare ourselves with others—our possessions, faith walk, and blessings. It

may be hard to be happy for someone being blessed with a raise or a job, when we

don’t get one. We may see God working in another’s life and wonder when our blessing

will come. But God says these blessings are the cherry on top. We think we need to

perform or strive to be seen by God, when it is only by His blood that we are His.

Romans 12:2 “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God

transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to

know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

God has incredible things coming to Faith Chapel. We get in the way if we don’t let Him

do what he wants based on our will or personal needs. The early church had to be

reminded that God accepted the Gentiles through faith alone, when they burdened new

believers with requirements. We too should present the gospel and welcome and

celebrate new believers with grace, just as God extends grace to us. The same grace

that God extended to us is meant for everyone.

Pastor Erick told the story of the landowner from Matthew 20:1-16. The landowner paid

the same wage to laborers who worked 1 hour as to laborers who worked 12 hours. He

said, “Should you be jealous because I am kind to others? So those who are last now

will be first and those who are first will be last.”

We get in a lot of trouble comparing our idea of justice with God’s idea of justice. God’s

grace covers people you would consider unworthy. The same grace is extended to

people we despise, who have hurt us or who have a “past”. God will forgive time and

time again. We often do a poor job of welcoming people because we judge them.

Ephesians 2:8-9 “God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can’t take

credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for good things we have

done, so none of us can boast about it. God has the power to do in the eleventh hour

what he did in the first.

Our stories may differ greatly. One may have great affliction; one with seeming ease. In

our eyes, it may seem unfair. Don’t get into the trap of comparison. Some may never

find the joy God offers because of comparison. Comparison is a thief of joy.

Pastor Erick repeated the story of the prodigal son. The father waited for the son’s

return. God the Father is always there, waiting, welcoming you with open arms. Though

it seems that the eldest son is jealous, he is actually insecure in his relationship with his

father. God loves each the same and extends grace to all.

As we see prodigals and sinners enter Faith Chapel, we need to make sure our

relationship with the Father is secure. Then we can celebrate with those coming to the

Father. The inheritance was never the best gift. The real gift was the proximity and

relationship with the father.

Be thankful for salvation and the proximity of God. Surrender to the Father.

Paramount Point:

When God gives grace, we make room at the table.

We continue to see God at work at Faith Chapel. May we “make room at the table” for

all those entering in, celebrating the blessings and changes as we Culture like Christ.

God’s grace is for everyone!

Submitted by Debby Jarrell

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