After worship, Pastor Josiah spoke of Father’s Day. God chose to reveal Himself to us
as a father—something that we can relate to. Knowing how He loves me, shows me
how to treat my kids and bride. God is perfect, approachable and attainable. If every
household had a God-fearing father, the world would be so different. We acknowledge
you God, as a father—the good Father—who will wait for us to come home and love us
and welcome us with gracious love. We acknowledge your Lordship and can say Happy
Father’s Day, as we honor you!! We love you, Papa God!! Happy Father’s Day to Faith
Chapel men.
As offering was taken, Josiah reminded us of the Good Samaritan. The man who
helped had both good intentions and the means to help. God provides the means to be
a blessing to others. He takes care of the finances of those who live generously.
Josiah and a panel of dad’s, including Ed Jarrell, Joel Munoz and George Elias, shared
from the stage. Josiah mentioned that Mother’s Day is the highest attendance in the
church year and Father’s Day the lowest! But the men showed up at Faith Chapel
Men of the panel gave brief introductions of their role at Faith Chapel:
Joel has been growing roots at Faith Chapel since 2019. He has spoken from the
pulpit, led small groups and the Foundation Class and served in many ways. Joel has 2
young daughters.
Ed has been part of Fath Chapel for over 20 years and been involved in drama
productions, taught youth and adult classes, been on the Board of Directors and is an
Elder. He has 4 grown kids and grandkids.
George is Josiah’s dad. Since he came to Faith Chapel, he has been mission’s
director, taught classes and served in outreach.
1 st Group Question:
Have you ever accidentally hurt your kid or they hurt you?
Joel – when wrestling with daughters, one did a cannonball on his back! Pain!
Ed – Oldest son, Nate, had a basketball hoop in his room. While playing, Nate
knocked him through a large window, shattering the glass. Ed had no cuts or scratches!
George – Once he didn’t remove the seat belt properly on a carseat and his
grandson tripped and hit his head on the concrete. Josiah recalled a boomerang
incident and football story.
2 nd Group Question:
When kids want money, who do they ask?
All three confirmed that they provided what was needed/wished for, with both parents.
3 rd Group Question:
Are there any qualities that you learned from your father that you use as a father?
Joel – Faithfulness—on the job, with mom, house and church.
Ed – Father had a rough life, but never complained. He was always present at
sports and events, sacrificing for his kids, something Ed tried to emulate.
George – never had a dad in his life, so learned about fathering from Christ,
providing identity, provision and protection.
Josiah noted that Christ can fill the voids in your life. The blood of Jesus binds us as a
family and community. Sundays, small groups and events help us develop connections.
4 th Group Question:
Knowing God as a Father, how has fatherhood deepened your relationship with God?
Joel – Until you are a father, you can only imagine what it feels like to love a child
so deeply. It makes you understand even more how God feels about you, exponentially
more that your love for your child. It brings perspective.
Ed – Parenthood is a huge responsibility to raise, teach and lead your children.
We are all God’s children. Think how much more He is willing to do for us. God is our
model. I am so thankful for His love and influence.
George – My relationship with God deepened when I became a father. How
much more our heavenly Father loves us, understanding and giving mercy. Mercy
triumphs over judgement with God and with my kids. I vowed never to disown or judge,
but to love and have mercy.
5 th Group Question:
What challenges has fatherhood brought, revealing areas you need to work on?
Joel and Ed emphasized patience. Each childhood stage teaches and matures
us. Trying to understand the children at each age helps us be patient.
George – Responsibility, sacrifice, and fighting for our children. We need to pray
and cry out to God. Fathers need to fight for what God has given.
6 th Group Question:
Do you have advice to offer dads?
Joel – Be present! You can’t give kids what they need outside of God Stay close
to God. It will impact your parenting.
Ed – Be present! Don’t miss practices, games, and time with your kids. Pray with
them and teach them by example. Always do what is right—your kids will see and grow
up doing what is right. Lead them in the right path and they won’t depart.
Josiah added, if you don’t speak truth to your kids, they will be led by the internet and
world. We need to guide our kids to honor the Lord. Be a family that rises up to raise
the kids!
George – One of the greatest gifts a father gives to his kids is to love their
mother. Be a good provider. Be there for them. Give them all the time your can. Be an
example. Declare the word of God over your children. Don’t do anything you don’t want
your children to do. Live by example.
Josiah ended the service with a prayer.
Lord, we want to honor you in all things. Speak a blessing over the men of Faith
Chapel. May there be grace and love in our homes. There are so many challenges, but
we are aiming at you to be our example. Help us to look to you in all things. May there
be a move in the families to have a culture of Christ. May there be mercy in the home.
Help us and guide us for strength to do what we can’t do on our own. May our Faith
Chapel family units operate in a healthy way as we serve and honor you.
Happy Father’s Day!
Submitted by Debby Jarrell