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Evangelist Jason Frenn's God Has Something Incredible for You! | Summary and Reflection

Jason and Cindee Frenn have been part of our FC missionary family since Pastor George Gregg led our church. The Frenns speak both nationally and internationally. Over 800,000 people have accepted the LORD as their Savior under their ministry. Jason said that Faith Chapel has given “stellar support over the years.” We are a missions church!

The title of Jason’s sermon was “God Has Something Incredible For You.” He started out sharing a chart delineating the levels of people in an agricultural system.

ruler 1%

ruling class 10%

priests and merchants 24%

peasants (poverty) 45%

unclean 15%

expendables 5%

Expendables include those who feel condemned by God-missing legs, arms, unable to see, hear or talk.

One such person in Mark 10:46-52 was blind Bartimaeus. He fit the expendable category to some people but not to Jesus. When Bartimaeus heard the commotion around Jesus’ arrival, he shouted,”Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Other observers tried to quiet him, but Jesus (unlike the Pharisee and the Sadducee in the parable of the “Good Samaritan”) acknowledged Bartimaeus and asked,”What do you want me to do for you?”

“The blind man said,’Rabbi, I want to see.’”

Bartimaeus did not let other people discourage him. He yelled louder and stated what he wanted, sight. Jesus said,”Your faith has healed you.” Immediately Bartimaeus could see, and he followed Jesus.

Jason asked,”What miracle or impossibility have you given up on?” He recounted how he had given up on his father becoming a Christ follower. However, at the end of his dad’s life after decades of rejecting Jesus, Jason’s dad accepted the LORD as his Savior. From personal experience, Jason reminded us as a corporate body and as individuals,”Do not give up on your personal, ministerial or mission goals.” Hebrews 12:1b-2a states,”Let us run with patience the particular race that is set before us….Keep your eyes on Jesus, our leader and instructor.”

He also encouraged us to not “become immune to the power of the Gospel.” It is easy after attending church year after year, decade after decade to become complacent and settled instead of desperate for the LORD. The LORD has shown me lately how I need to hunger desperately for Him and not long for the past or look back like Lot’s wife did. She turned into a pillar of salt. She had too much of Sodom and Gomorrah in her. LORD, help me to seek You, Your Word, and Your presence daily.

Jason stated that “God is able to see you and hear you” like He did Bartimaeus, who did not hold back but shouted louder and more insistently. Bartimaeus was not expendable to himself nor to Jesus and neither are you nor I. Jesus questioned him and acknowledged his faith. What a God we serve! “The LORD has compassion on those who suffer.” With Jesus, the blind saw; the lame walked; the deaf heard. May we let Jesus break every chain and destructive habit.

Finally, Jason said that “God is able to meet you.” He asked,”What do you believe about God, about you?” Will your unbelief affect what you let God do in your life? My dad’s favorite verse was Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Do we let Him strengthen us or do we confine God to a little box. Ephesians 3:20 says,

”Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or

imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory

in the church and in Christ throughout all generations, forever and ever!” (NIV)

He can do more than we can ask or imagine. That is incredible, but He has something incredible for you! Just trust Him.

Written by Larry and Annette Linthicum

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