Pastor Josiah described what FC culture meant to him: praying, lingering in the presence of the LORD, and studying the Word. He announced two staff additions-Pastor Michel Espinoza as the new children’s pastor and Jennifer Segura as the new assistant to Pastor Josiah. Both of these people bring so much to the table spiritually and professionally.
As Pastor began the sermon, he again mentioned Saul who had so much potential, but David was beloved and that was his identity. You are beloved of God, and His depth of love for you is incredible. What God feels about you if you incorporate it in your identity affects those around you. Sometimes we believe what God does not believe about us. For example
You say, “I feel unloved,” but He says,” I love you.”
You say “I feel unimportant,” and He says, “You are the apple of my eye.”
Psalm 17:8
Though your feelings are valid, the Word explains how your Abba Father feels about you. His
view “of you should dominate anything else you think or believe about yourself.” His
Word might be the agent that pulls you out of your dysfunctional moment. We need to choose to
believe what He says about us. When we believe it, we will change. “This is not wishful
thinking; it’s active faith.
Pastor Josiah brought us back to Saul and David. Saul was full of hope until he began to follow
his own ideas and desires. He had a political identity, was his people’s choice, and his name
meant ”desired.” David went God’s way; his name meant “beloved;” and his identity gave him a
platform. In 1 Samuel 16:13, Samuel “took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of
his brothers; and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward.” David
was anointed king, and then Samuel left. What did David do as the future king? He returned to
the fields and herded the sheep. He did not flaunt his new position over his older brothers. “It
takes trust and humility to know something great is coming but not to rush it.” David’s
“willingness to serve at the lowest level with the sheep only further qualified his heart to
be king.” David’s faithfulness in the little tasks and situations trained him to be faithful in the
bigger events. “Your faithfulness over little things is not to test your managerial skills; it’s
to prove your heart.”
Looking at Jesus’ life, He prepared thirty years. Imagine Jesus:
“At twenty five years old, Jesus asked God,’Now?’ God said, ‘Not yet.’
At twenty seven years old, Jesus asked,’Now?’ God said,’Not yet.’
At twenty nine years old, Jesus asked,’Now?’ God said,’Not yet.’”
Just as Jesus had a season of preparation, you may be going though one. “When the path of
preparation is intense, it may be because the destiny is all the more intense.” Embrace
the season of preparation. For what are you being prepared?
After thirty years of preparation, Jesus ministered for three and a half years. During His ministry,
the blind saw, the lame walked, the lepers were healed. He changed lives. Then He took several
tests. When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, He stood strong. When the religious
leaders grilled Him all through the night, He did not succumb. When Jesus hung on the cross,
He did not call a legion of angels down to save Him. He hung there, died, was buried and
defeated death.
Do not be afraid of the testing. It shows your heart’s condition and of what you are made.
“Beloved identity protects the heart from corruption.” What does this statement mean? If
you realize in your heart that you are truly the LORD’s beloved and you totally rest in that
identity, then that promotion, singing opportunity, or desired position that you missed do not
destroy you or bring anger, faultfinding, revenge or jealousy. These are symptoms of a
corrupted heart and a distorted identity. When you know who you are, the beloved, you are
already content. Yes, your feelings may be hurt, but the major point is that you know how much
the LORD loves you. You are His beloved, and He protects you. “Our time table may not be
His time table.” Letting the LORD’s timetable be your timetable releases you from being in
Because of Saul’s disobedience and arrogance, the LORD left Saul. “But the Spirit of the
LORD departed from Saul, and a distressing spirit from the LORD troubled him.”
1 Samuel 16:14 (NKJV) “There is no neutrality with God.” This point is reiterated in Luke
11:23 “Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is
actually working against me.” (NLT) Our actions illustrate our hearts’ direction. If we do not
stand firmly, we give the enemy room to enter in.
Saul was haunted and so distressed. 1 Samuel 16:18
“Then one of the servants answered and said,’Look, I have
seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing,
a mighty man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a
handsome person; and the LORD is with him.” (NKJV)
The paramount point is “Beloved identity proudly says,’The most significant thing about
me…is Him.’” The Spirit of the LORD was evident on David and can be on each of us who
accepts the beloved identity in our hearts. We can act supernaturally when we know we are
truly beloved. For example, humanly if a person has been critical of me or one of my loved
ones, it is humanly tough to forgive and pray for that offender. However, the LORD asked us to
turn the other cheek. I cannot do that without the Holy Spirit’s help, guidance and intercession
for me. Then supernaturally I can react like Jesus did. 1John 4:19 “We love because He first
loved us.” (NASB) David was marked with love. May we be marked with love too.
When we can release more and more of our egos, desires, and distractions, and invite Jesus
Christ into our thoughts, hearts, minds, and souls, we can believe we are beloved and live as
beloved to be salt and light in this troubled world.
9/10-Volunteer Celebration Luau 6:00 in the Activity Center
9/22-LB potluck, worship and Meet to Swap
9/29-Men’s CORE meeting
Submitted by
Larry and Annette Linthicum